Tuesday, January 30, 2007

My new computer

Tempted as I may be to start this post with apologies to my loyal readers (I know you're out there, E.K. and M.G.!!!) for writing so infrequently this January, I will instead begin with praise for my new computer which arrived today.

It's a Dell Inspiron E1505 notebook. The sleek Intel Core Duo processor and a full gigabyte of RAM mean the computer easily laps my nearly 6-year-old Dell Inspiron. Indeed, as I'm writing this post, iTunes is serenading me and Windows is installing 21 updates in the background, and the clip is still Barbaroic.

Why not Apple? Perhaps I identify too much with the PC guy in the commercials. Perhaps I stick with a PC since I've always used a PC. But even more significantly, the one-button mouse found on Apples has left a permanent bitter taste in my mouth. I can't stand those dumb one button mice, and iPods and iTunes notwithstanding, I hate the company that came up with them. So there. Realistically I probably should switch. Fewer bugs. More managable software, a streamlined operating system. Maybe next time around.


Jonathan said...

Did nobody like my line, "the clip is still Barbaroic"??? Too soon, huh?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the shout-out!! And keep me posted on the cafeteria girl. Is it time for a Baylor-style DTR??

Anonymous said...

"Barbaroic"? Is this a reference to Barbar the elephant?

Anonymous said...

I too identify with the PC guy from the commercials. But ironically - instead of attracting me towards Apple... instead I feel bitter towards Apple.
Although I LOVE my new pink ipod. And if I were to get an Apple... I would get a colored one.

And by the way... I am a very loyal reader. I dwell on all of your entries (except for ones where you are writing about literature or poems. My eyes tend to glaze over and I think "uhh... i'll come back to this later."

Anonymous said...


Below is one of the more salient quotes.

When I sit down to use a Mac, the first thing I think is, "I hate Macs", and then I think, "Why has this rubbish aspirational ornament only got one mouse button?" Losing that second mouse button feels like losing a limb. If the ads were really honest, Webb would be standing there with one arm, struggling to open a packet of peanuts while Mitchell effortlessly tore his apart with both hands.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Still not working. The link ends this way:
