Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Another post-call day

I've missed the world of blogging, and evidently some of my readers have missed my posts! I got several hours' sleep on call Sunday night, so after a satisfying nap on my new couch yesterday morning, the day was mine to enjoy. I started by doing laundry at nearby Bubbles. On the way back, however, I discovered some workmen doing some welding and installing marble slabs on the new prefabricated metal stair frames that were recently put in, so I dropped the clean laundry off at Ezer and Jan's (they live just a block or so away from me) and suggested Jan could do some ironing if she didn't have much else to do.

I did a little fun reading at the open-air Max's Cafe on Amsterdam while sipping a caffelatte and enjoying a italian tuna and garbanzo bean salad on arugula. Then it was off to Columbia for a structured library environment to do some anesthesia studying.

After a productive hour and a half or so, I walked home, made an omelette for dinner, and got ready to go to the opera with my roommate Jordan, who had complimentary tickets and had invited me earlier that afternoon. More about this on my planned "Jonathan's Month of Culture" post, but I thoroughly enjoyed the Metropolitan Opera's new production of Verdi's MacBeth. I think that after I move from New York City down the road (assuming I do), I'm going to miss being able to catch a musical or an opera on the spur of the moment.


Unknown said...

good to have you back

Anonymous said...

So when will you pick up your laundry from Ezer and Jan's? How much ironing did Jan get done?