Monday, May 28, 2007

May: A retrospective study

After doing so well by consistently writing posts in April, I'm surprised that the month of May has flown by with nary a post. In the next few days, I'll try to do a little catch-up writing. (n.b.: I'm going to cheat on the dates by timing the posts as if I'd written them on the days the events happened. If this is the first post you're reading since the death of Rostropovich, then scroll back to April 28th and go chronologically.)

I should mention too that as I sit down to write this fine Memorial Day morning, I'm sipping a homemade latte from my Plymouth, Massachusetts mug--one of my favorites. I'm pleased to 1) have discovered the stove-top espresso maker that belongs to Brad, the guy we're subletting from, and 2) find that making espresso is remarkably easy, especially with a gas stove.

What happens in Roosevelt Island...

Although I was on overnight call on Saturday, the extra day off for Memorial Day on Monday will be much appreciated. I got about 6 hours' sleep at the hospital--enough to make Sunday enjoyable. Our church combined services for one bigger service at 10:30, and I enjoyed seeing people from the later service whom I don't usually see.

After church, Clay, Dustin, Mavis, Mauricio, Jasmin, Kristin, and I dined outdoors at Sezz Medi on wood-fired pizza and wine.

The next few hours were spent helping move Mavis from her apartment at 163rd down to her new Harlem residence at 116th Street. All her belongings fit in a minivan and her car. It was a hot afternoon in Harlem today, with no shade on the sunny, apartment-lined street. When I first visited the city, I thought fire-escapes made an otherwise pleasant street look tacky. Now they've really grown on me! Jasmin's favorite quotation of the afternoon was when I remarked, "Jasmin, you lift [boxes] like a man, but dress like a woman."

Mauricio, Mavis, Clay and I pondered where to eat dinner after finishing the move. We briefly toyed with a spontaneous road trip to Boston, but decided on my suggestion of Roosevelt Island instead. Getting there involved driving over to East Harlem at 125th Street, riding the 4 train down to 59th Street, and then the sky tram across the East River to the narrow island.

A bus completed our journey to the heart of the island. We felt naive as we pulled out our MetroCards to board the bus, while everyone else deposited a quarter in the slot by the driver. There was not a stop sign to be seen as we rode, and another rider advised us that there were exactly two places to eat: Trelli's and a chinese place.

We opted for Trelli's, which was surprisingly good and inexpensive. A calamari appetizer, chicken cordon bleu, and a shared slice of cheesecake were all delicious and very reasonably priced for Manhattan.

After dinner we walked down to the river and enjoyed the cool salt breeze coming off the water. It was decided that Trelli's on Roosevelt Island would become our secret meeting place, and the phrase was coined, "What happens on Roosevelt Island, stays on Roosevelt Island."

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

William's defense

In celebration of William's (successful) defense of his dissertation, my home fellowship group and a few others convened at my apartment tonight for champagne, strawberries, and carrot cake. Katherine later told me that carrot cake is William's favorite, so I guess I made a good choice.

Ezer and Jan were able to join us, as were Nader, Melvin, and Reyko. W&K will be leaving soon for his new position at Baylor, my alma mater.