Thursday, September 01, 2005

New Orleans

On call at the hospital yesterday, we were supposed to get an influx of patients from New Orleans. Only a few ever came. Later, we heard the reason why: snipers were shooting at the ambulances carrying patients, so they had to turn back to the waterless, powerless hospitals running low on food and supplies.

This amazes and disgusts me. Here's CNN's perspective.

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Doctor J said...

That absolutely boggles my mind. What kind of human being would shoot at an ambulance?

By the way, do you recall that Jerry is an intern at that hospital?

Doctor J said...

I think Scott was in Baton Rouge with Brandi, and Mary was in New Orleans with Jerry. I'm trying not to use last names here...

Phil said...

Phil says Scott is in NO at Ochsner - he called Suzi to say things were pretty crazy there (hand ventilating). We hope he's doing ok.