Sunday, August 20, 2006

I saw Sun!!!

Er, Yunjin Kim, a famous Korean actresss who has become well known in the States for portraying Sun on the ABC drama Lost.

I gradually became a fan of the series this last season since my roommate David watched religiously, and when my new roommate Clay here in New York had the entire first season on DVD...well, it was a shame not to methodically work my way through.

It's a great show because the characters are complex, and the format of using flashbacks to develop the characters and explain why they react the way they do seems to provide a limitless source of material. We see the characters working through and overcoming their flaws.

But, back to the title of this post, which merited not one, but three exclamation points... I was walking through the West Village today, and I passed someone who I could have sworn was Kim, notwithstanding my history of having difficulty telling Asian women apart. It was an exciting day.


Melissa said...

Speaking of getting people hooked on TV shows...I bought the first season of the Office and am pre-ordering season 2. Today I managed to get Andrea hooked and she's been doing Dwight quotes ever since.

Jonathan said...

John Krasinski (who plays Jim) evidently lives here in New York. Maybe we could hang out sometime.

ScottTexas said...

In response to..."I was walking through the West Village today, and I passed someone who I could have sworn was Kim"

Was it Kim or not? Did you talk to her? If not, how can you be sure? They are filming the show in Oahu right now, so that raises a rebuttable presumption that in fact it was not she. Rebuttal?

Jonathan said...

Rebuttal? Yeah--someone's been spending too much time studying law!

No, I didn't talk to her. So no, I can't be sure.

But I would expect someone like Kim could afford to fly to NYC from Oahu for the weekend if she wanted to. So clearly my sighting her is not inconsistent with her filming in Oahu.

And secondly, in cases like this, mere fact isn't as important as the excitement of the prospect of a celebrity siting. I CHOOSE to believe it was Kim. Rebut that!

Anonymous said...

My mom told my I shouldn't look directly at the sun or I'd go blind...

Anonymous said...

Whoever it was, I'm surprised she didn't seem to mind you taking a picture of her from such proximity.