Saturday, October 27, 2007

The Marine Corps Marathon

Most of my regular readers know that I've been training for the Marine Corps Marathon for several months. The big day is Sunday, October 28, in Washington DC.

I'll be there, but I won't be running. Since I've been out of the world of blogging lately, I haven't had a chance to update the blog about my knee injury sustained in late August. I went out for a 12 mile run one Saturday and felt fatigued throughout the entire run. I also noticed my hamstrings seemd a little tight.

After only 6 miles, I was feeling so fatigued that I cut the run short, and around that time I noticed a little aching in my knee. "Nothing to worry about," I thought. "A little ice and ibuprofen will take care of everything."

Not so. The pain got worse, and for the next few days my knee hurt with nearly every step. I took two weeks off and then ran another short 6 mile run on a soft surface, and the same thing happened.

Given that I'd had knee problems five years ago, I decided it was wisest to bail on the marathon, which was fairly disappointing given that I'd come so far. My long runs were up to 16 miles, and I was beginning to consider a brisk 8-mile run "short."

I attribute the knee injury to less than ideal training leading to inflammation. I was working in the ICU at the time, and I'd been doing long runs on the weekends without doing as many short runs during the week since I was so busy. The key to successful training, however, is a gradual buildup in both long run mileage as well as total weekly mileage. Perhaps since I wasn't giving my joints the mild stress of short runs during the week, I didn't benefit from the strengthening they would have provided and therefore became injured when I attempted my longer runs.

In any case, my medical school friend Adam is now in Washington DC from Texas to run the marathon, so his wife Ashley and I will cheer him on! Most immediately, I have to pack after a night on call and make it to the Chinatown bus pickup spot in Midtown in the next 45 minutes!

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