Tuesday, July 04, 2006


I finally got around to uploading my pictures from the trip to New York onto the computer and wanted to share a few...

Mom and me at my old apartment the morning I left Texas.

My last view of my home for the last five years.

Stopping for gas near a Tennessee cornfield.

Visiting newlywed friends Dave & Louisa in Cleveland.

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1 comment:

Jonathan said...

Actually, I think there's a picture of me on the blog way back last August when I was visitng the third-grade class. As far as the anonymity, I figured living in a city this big helps (there are at least 5 or 6 anesthesia programs in Manhattan alone), and you'll notice you still don't see my last name on the blog.

I'm 6'4", and Louisa's somewhere in the neighborhood of 4'11", so that may explain the picture.