Thursday, August 25, 2005

Lake Atitlan

A friend of mine recently returned from Guatemala. One of her favorite parts of the trip was seeing the beautiful and famous Lake Atitlan. Coincidentally, this lake is where my dad spent a a good part of his youth. Their home was on the shore, and he has memories playing with his brother beside the waters, which would get choppy every afternoon when the wind picked up.

I've always taken delight in teasing Dad about his reminiscing about Lake Atitlan--the most beautiful place in the world, he would say. A quick Google search revealed, however, that the place is amazing... Hope you enjoy these pictures.

These appear to be Guatemalan children. For some reason they came up when I searched for Lake Atitlan. I don't know if guys are allowed to use the word "precious," but if so, I'm certain that it would apply to them.

1 comment:

Doctor J said...

Is your Dad an MK?