Saturday, December 17, 2005

Dinner with friends...

Clay and Lori were so gracious as to host us for dinner last night at their sleek new townhome...this is "The Gang 2.0". It includes newer members Ashley and Kristin, and sadly, is missing Dave and Louisa. And Alison.

We spent the first fifteen minutes letting Clay and Lori's golden retriever Cosmo meet Clint and Kristin's golden retriever.


Anonymous said...

You omitted two important details:
a) What is the name of Clint and Kristin'r retriver?
b) Are the two retriever of opposite sexes?

Also, how did you get the camera to give black and white photos?

Jonathan said...

a) I forgot the name of Clint and Kristin's golden retriever. Maybe Janet? Maybe Harold...

b) The two golden retrievers are both of the masculine gender.

P.S. My camera only takes color photos. However, Microsoft "Picture It! Publishing" which came bundled in my 2000 edition of Microsoft Works, can do all sorts of fun things with photos, including--but not limited to--the following:
1. Turn color into black and white
2. Automatically adjust brightness and contrast.
3. Remove red-eye and other assorted facial blemishes.
4. Edit out eye-sores (e.g. powerlines in scenic shots or annoying tag-alongs in group shots)
5. My favorite: Convert to a metallic engraving. I'll demonstrate on the blog someday.

Anonymous said...

Their dog's name is Russ. If you knew he was male, why did you suspect his name was Janet? hmmm...

Anonymous said...

Janet? JANET??? Where the heck did you get that name?
Also, Clay and Lori do not have a townhome...they have a house!

Anonymous said...

Hey Clay and Lori,

when are we going to be invited by?