Tuesday, December 13, 2005

My 'hood

A Q4 schedule really isn't bad. Sure, there's a long stretch of work, but then you get to enjoy a few evenings in a row. Especially after a good, deep nap on the couch, post-call days are deleriously satisfying.

I rolled off the sofa after hitting "snooze" once or twice, threw on a cap, khaki shorts, and shoes, and went out for a walk in the neighborhood, armed with my clunky yet definitely adequate digital camera. (Yes, my Canadian and Midwestern readers, you read that right: I wore shorts and a tee-shirt out in December.) Here's what I saw...

My apartment complex. My apartment faces one of the inner courtyards.

The entrance-way to a small nearby art gallery.

A four-foot bronze turtle a couple blocks down the street.

Four blocks away, I discovered this little Italian restaurant. My roommate David tells me it's one of the best in town.

A wall I liked.

Turning the corner to head back toward home, I was surprised to see this Rolls parked nearby.


Anonymous said...

deleteriously? deliriously? Intentional double entendre?

-your puzzled reader in Buenos Aires

Doctor J said...

I don't think you can call it a "hood" if your neighbors have a Rolls Royce.

By the way, that Italian place IS pretty darn good...