Monday, October 10, 2005

My mellow pre-call day

Well, the day has ended somewhat serenly. I worked out and went on a four-mile run on the trail behind my apartment today after work. I think this is the first time this year to run four miles at once! It's nice to get back into the workout routine, and thirty minutes is a good length for a run.

There were a lot of people out on the trail today, and I'm pleased to say that for the entire four miles, the only people who passed me were on roller-blades or bikes! The 70-degree weather is a good change too. A slight breeze and a sky full of clouds made it quite the autumn afternoon. Here's a picture of my new running shoes:

I grilled chicken and baked potatoes for dinner tonight with my roommate Dan, as David was on call. A little anesthesia reading in my green armchair was just the thing for after dinner as I listened to Adventures in Good Music with Karl I read, I could hear the slight drizzle of rain in the courtyard through my open windows.

As I sit here reflecting on the tranquility of the sphere of my day, I can't help but remember the recent earthquake in Pakistan which has left upwards of 30,000 dead. This dwarfs the Hurricane Katrina disaster by a scale of 30, when it comes to loss of life. Suddenly, the thought of spending billions to rebuild New Orleans becomes a lot more trivial, as do my new running shoes and my green armchair.

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