Saturday, October 22, 2005

October 22, 2005

Today was my first day off in more than two weeks. I know that's nothing compared with The Old Days of residency training, but still it makes me appreciate the time a lot more!

The weekend began with a little quartet work Friday evening with Dawn, Erin, and David. We had a potluck dinner and then spent an hour playing works of Barber, Corelli, and Mozart. I can't speak for the others, but my sense of rhythm and my ability to play anything faster than an eighth note have disappeared along with my ability to study for more than an hour and memorize anything.

My faithful readers will also note that I've learned how to place pictures in a position other than "center."

"Sleeping in" till 7:30 (yes, I know it's sad) was a great start to the day today! My brother--who had spent the night--and I drove over to the city where he lives, and he showed me his classroom. I treated David, Charity, and myself to lunch, and then we hung out at the local Botanic Gardens in the refreshing Texas October weather! It was the sort of day that started and ended with cool 60-ish weather. By the time we made it to the gardens, it was pleasantly warm in the sunlight yet still cool in the shade. This, I feel, is the essence of autumn in Texas. It lasts for a few days here and a week there.

A train ride back into town and a picnic with the folks from the residency program with volleyball and Mexican food closed the day.

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