Tuesday, October 25, 2005

A little Thai food

John Knox's house in Edinburgh, Scotland

Well, another call day gone by. (My friends at rigorous academic programs: please skip to the next paragraph at this juncture.) Now that it's just us, Sunday proved to be a relatively easy call. We admitted only four patients to the team; two went to me. Of those two, I sent one home on the post-call day. And then there was the sleep...magnificent sleep...seven wonderful hours, interrupted by only 4 cross-cover calls!

And so that's why private residencies are actually tougher than the traditional academic programs. A good friend of mine from college, Emily, was in town this weekend for a wedding, and the highlight of my week was joining her and her parents for dinner last night at a local Thai establishment. We had fun reminiscing about college memories--many of which have become quite fuzzy--and catching up on the general events of life. Since Emily and her husband live in Maryland, I hope to see them a bit more often in coming years!

Another off day today had many things in store:
  • Sleeping in till 8:00. I'd left my bedroom windows open last night, so the room was nippy and conducive to rolling over and staying under the covers!
  • Leisurely reading the morning paper.
  • Working out
  • Dictating up at the hospital. I'm still behind by three discharge summaries! But the charts are still in coding, so that's a good enough reason to procrastinate.
  • Buying a couple C.D.'s (certificate of deposit) through ING. This is a great bank. Right now they offer 4.4% interest on an 18-month CD.
  • Picking up a wedding gift for Amani.
  • Taking a luxurious one-hour nap.
  • An afternoon stroll to a nearby Starbucks; reading my anesthesia text outdoors. Roommate David met me there, and we walked to a local burger place for dinner.
  • Adventures in Good Music with Karl Haas
  • Balancing the checkbook.
  • Organizing my room.
  • Waiting for inspiration for an insightful and creative post. It didn't come. By the way, the picture above represents my Scotland calendar's October photo.

1 comment:

Chair said...

Ahh....Edinburgh. Such a glorious place!! Actually one of my favorite cities I've ever been to. Do you have a map showing where his house is?
I would feel just a tad bit sorry for you that you have not been before BUT then I am reminded in a few short weeks you will be being driven around Egypt in a private car. And I feel no more pity for you! =)